40 over 40 Photo Shoot with Grace Borg, Marilena Gregory, Vanessa Vella, Mary Attard
Q&A with Grace:
Q: Why is a session like this important to you?
Being 74 is quite an advanced age, and this session which I’m doing thanks to my daughter Marilena, whose idea this was, will surely boost me up. It’s lovely to be pampered and photographed by a professional, something that I have never experienced in all my life since I’ve always done my own make-up and hair. To be interviewed is quite an experience as well.
Q: What have been the significant points of change in your life so far? – How did these significant points in your life change you?
I was brought up in a family of eight siblings, six boys, and an older sister; my mum brought us up on her own since dad died of cancer when I was only 8. As a result, I was always a quiet and shy person. Although I had a good education, I was always the reserved type, never being able to voice my opinion. At around 50 years of age, I was asked to volunteer in a group called STAND, Striving Towards Ability, Not Disability. I spent 12 years with these lovely people and saw them grow up into adults. I used to teach them crafts, painting, singing, and drama. I gave them a lot, but they gave me so much more since my confidence grew, watching and joining in the fun during our sessions together. With these loving young people, I forgot all my shyness and became a new person, assertive and confident.

40 Over 40

Q&A with Marilena
Q: What’s the absolutely best thing about being your age?
They say “life begins at 40,” but I’m not sure it felt that way for me! I guess having two children, the very fast pace of my work, and the trials and tribulations of life took their toll on me, and I felt my body change so much at the turn of 40. But there is so much for me to celebrate about being over 40. Thanks to an incredibly supportive husband who has been my partner for nearly half of my life, I have reached my career goals and fulfilled my forever aim in life of becoming a mother. We have managed to work through every difficulty we have faced together and I have learned so much through my life experiences. I know there is still a lot more to come, a lot more to learn, a lot more to discover….maybe at 44, I’m only halfway through the journey of life; who knows?
Q: Why is a session like this important to you?
I discovered this project through a friend…I saw her photos on Facebook and thought, “wow! I wish someone could make me look like that!” Then I read more about the project, and funnily enough, I thought of my mum…I really wanted her to be in it. I am so proud of the woman she is and what she has achieved at 74. But then I stopped and thought…” hang on, I really need this for myself”! As most mums do, I guess, I very often put everyone else first and never make time for myself to relax. I spend money on holidays and outings but find it hard to spend it on pampering myself. What’s more, after 18 months of wearing Scrubs for work because of Covid, I really really need a little booster. The smartly tailored wardrobe, high heels, and matching handbags that were my everyday companions for work have been put aside far too long! I think the timing couldn’t be more perfect. It’s time to indulge myself, and what better way to do that than to have a celebrity-style magazine photoshoot? In the end, I believe this will be a special experience with my mother that I will cherish for years to come.

40 Over 40

Q&A with Vanessa:
Q: What is the one piece of advice would you give your 20 something self?
Spend less money and time on trivial things and travel more.
Q: Are there any myths you would like to bust about the over 40s? If so, can you tell us about them?
They say life begins at 40; it’s more a continuation. Age is just a number and not a true representation of our lives. We should not let our life be dictated by stereotypes.

40 Over 40

40 Over 40
This is a portrait of Mary, she is one of our 40 over 40 campaign.
More information and how to participate our amazing 40 over 40, check this link: https://amandahsu.com/40over40/