
Presentation at photography workshop in Ragusa Sicily.

Thanks so much for the Associazione fotografi Iblei for inviting me as a special guest photographer in the workshop in Ragusa. I was happy to have the opportunity to share my work with fellow photographers.

Events What's up with Amanda 12729226_1667483300168518_4032491298661600280_n Presentation at photography workshop in Ragusa Sicily. Events What's up with Amanda 12805804_1667612256822289_5785463903869281989_n Presentation at photography workshop in Ragusa Sicily.

Events What's up with Amanda 12806154_1668036113446570_8830887376976682895_n Presentation at photography workshop in Ragusa Sicily.


Events What's up with Amanda 12795488_1668039570112891_4651267249940680203_n Presentation at photography workshop in Ragusa Sicily. I talked about my fine art self-portrait project “Her” and receive many good responses. I talked about how I made the photographs and the stories behind them. They are very generous with applause, I was very encouraged and feeling grateful that people appreciate my work and the concept behind them. I’ve also shown some of my recent fine art works which I haven’t shown to public before.

Events What's up with Amanda 12321575_1668037443446437_6300373939988014274_n Presentation at photography workshop in Ragusa Sicily.

I had an interpreter Ric for the translation from English to Italian. He had done a great job.

Events What's up with Amanda 12795559_1668037346779780_3110377684004735093_n Presentation at photography workshop in Ragusa Sicily.

The workshop organizer Enzo. Events What's up with Amanda 12801508_1668037310113117_2552078870531237073_n Presentation at photography workshop in Ragusa Sicily.

I talked about my exhibition project last year Women in Malta, showing the behind the scene video.

Events What's up with Amanda 12805812_1668035106780004_4217453345795795525_n Presentation at photography workshop in Ragusa Sicily.

Events What's up with Amanda 12802724_1668394083410773_8724630484829303944_n-copy Presentation at photography workshop in Ragusa Sicily.

The photographers came from allover Italy. There were 4 master photographers hosting 4 different workshops. They are wedding photographer Vincenzo Ferraro, reportage photographer Charley Fazio, post production Giuseppe Andretta and wedding videographer Vito D’Agostino.

Events What's up with Amanda 10553809_228991930781219_8766845305274006926_o Presentation at photography workshop in Ragusa Sicily. Events What's up with Amanda 12801695_228469980833414_8080285450830018641_n Presentation at photography workshop in Ragusa Sicily. Events What's up with Amanda Screenshot-2016-03-17-17.58.23 Presentation at photography workshop in Ragusa Sicily.

The workshop event was covered by television and newspaper. I was interviewed a few time by local medias.

Events What's up with Amanda 12729218_523905974457010_2923434698147001046_n-300x300 Presentation at photography workshop in Ragusa Sicily. Events What's up with Amanda 12832496_10153251935770044_7492411437585332043_n-300x214 Presentation at photography workshop in Ragusa Sicily. Events What's up with Amanda 12799108_10207166626622559_8444051994231671083_n-300x200 Presentation at photography workshop in Ragusa Sicily. Events What's up with Amanda 12802978_955867764526506_5195329558180994093_n-300x200 Presentation at photography workshop in Ragusa Sicily. Events What's up with Amanda 12804830_10207166529180123_3901059975960192098_n-300x200 Presentation at photography workshop in Ragusa Sicily. Events What's up with Amanda 12803023_1669302053319976_6144144494578302888_n Presentation at photography workshop in Ragusa Sicily. Events What's up with Amanda I-vertici-di-Afi-con-i-master1-1024x768 Presentation at photography workshop in Ragusa Sicily.

Photo taken with the master photographers.

Thanks to the organizer Enzo Giummarra and people work for the event, they are so hospitable and friendly, everyone had a great time. Learning and having fun should always go together.

It was a very nice and special experience for me. I had a wonderful time.

Events What's up with Amanda 12832496_990156931064223_3618995493654802261_n1-300x225 Presentation at photography workshop in Ragusa Sicily.