Amazing ride – Women in Malta

All the photographs were dismounted yesterday. This whole project took me 6 months, finally all is finished and done. I’m happy. I feel so tired and think I can sleep for a week.
I have received a lot of support and encouragement since I start the project “Women in Malta”. But to be honest I had no idea what I got myself into. It was just a very simple idea, to photograph women. Running this project was certainly not an easy task. Besides my main work as a portrait photographer, the project took up rest of my time. My average working hour was about 14-15 hours a day. Meetings, writing, emails, messages, problems, problem solving and more problem solving.
Scientist says that human use only 20% of their brain, in that case, I was certainly trying to push my brain to more than 50%, as my brain hurts sometimes.
I have so much appreciation and gratitude toward to all the people who helped along the way, I feel loved and being looked after, I can’t thank you enough. Your support and encouragement are my drive to push myself further. It got me through the difficult times when I thought the project wouldn’t work, I wouldn’t able to make it, was I doing things right. With so many people’s help, I had no excuse to fail. Basically I had very good feeling about the project and everything worked in the right direction right from the beginning, so I just kept doing it.
There are many ideas in my mind, projects I want to do. so what’s next? We’ll see.