40 over 40 Photo Shoot Maryrose Francica, Melanie Abela, Rachel Falzon

40 Over 40

Q&A with Maryrose:
Q: Have your values changed over time? What do you value now?
For the past 17 years, I have traveled extensively, where I came into contact with different cultures, which have really opened my mind to new realities and made me reevaluate my values. I have shifted from valuing material things to valuing the more intangible things integrity, honesty, friendships, trustworthiness, empathy. I have also become more conscious of the effect that we might have on other people, a thoughtless comment that can hurt someone without meaning to for example.
Q: Are there any myths you would like to bust about the over 40s? If so, can you tell us about them?
The two myths I would like to bust are 1. Most of life’s major moments are behind you. 2. It’s time to dress your age.
As for no.1, maybe you’re done having children. Maybe you’ve been successful in your career. But none of these things mean that the most important parts of your life have already passed. There is still so much to look forward to after 40. You can travel more, you might switch careers as I did, or maybe you’ll even decide to do something different with your time like write a book, focus on your art, or do some volunteer work. The best is yet to come! Number 2 Clothes do not have an age, but it is all about your personal style and what you feel confident in, no matter what age you are.

40 Over 40

40 Over 40

40 Over 40

This is a portrait of Melanie, she is one of our 40 over 40 campaign.
40 Over 40
This is a portrait of Rachel, she is one of our 40 over 40 campaign.
More information and how to participate our amazing 40 over 40, check this link: https://amandahsu.com/40over40/