40 over 40 Photo Shoot with Melissa McDonagh, Caroline Dingli, Mariella Dimech
40 Over 40

Q&A with Melissa:
Q: What’s the absolutely best thing about being your age?
I think the best thing about being over 40 for me is that I see life with a different lens; I appreciate and love myself the way I am.
Q: What have been the significant points of change in your life so far? – How did these significant points in your life change you?
I had a few significant moments. The first one was when I went to live on my own at the age of 23. Back then, it was not common for a girl to go and live on her own, and therefore I did not get much support when I got married at the age of 28. When we got our 1st at the age of 29 and the 2nd at the age of 31 and the 3rd at the age of 34. When our 3rd was 3 months old we moved to Ireland for work reasons, and at the age of 36, we had our 4th. 4 years after, we moved back to Malta.
Living on my own made me more independent, and I was able to find myself. I worked very hard to be able to pay the loan and the monthly bills. Meeting and marrying the man I love that appreciated me the way I am without trying to change me boosted my self-esteem. Having children helped me realize how strong women are. Living abroad made me get out of my comfort zone and be more social. Coming back to Malta, I was a different person; I’d say calmer and ready for a new challenge.
40 Over 40

Q&A with Caroline:
Q: What’s the absolutely best thing about being your age?
I have experience and am able to make more mature decisions. You look at the beauty of life and thank God for it every day.
Q: What is the one piece of advice would you give your 20 years old self?
When making important decisions about your life, always ask yourself this question: Is this what I really want to do? Not what others pretend from you or what you should do.
40 Over 40

Q&A with Mariella:
Q: What’s the absolutely best thing about being your age?
Being alive and healthy, being wise and tired with having done so much but still full of dreams and feeling very appreciative of my achievements and humbled by my mistakes. Being genuine, confident, and comfortable in my own skin and not being afraid of taking risks and thinking outside of the box.
Q: Why is a session like this important to you?
This session is about me, for me. I am creating a memory that on a very rare occasion that is not for anyone else except me. I have been through so much in my life, and I hope that these photos will remind me of how I have survived and come out with some results that only I can see… and the truth is only I care about.
Q: When in your life, so far, have you felt most confident and why?
I believe that I am confident because I will always try and be genuine in whatever I present to you or anyone. I have not always felt like I am a success, I have not always felt loved or appreciated, but such is life – we are not perfect, and isn’t that an absolutely beautiful thing? I love not being perfect, I love learning from my mistakes, I love laughing at myself, and I love being comfortable about it all. This, for me, is constant confidence. So even if I am feeling uncomfortable or insecure in some moments of my life, this for me is an experience – I remain confident and accepting that we need to feel these emotions in our life.
More information and how to participate our amazing 40 over 40, check this link: https://amandahsu.com/40over40/