Exhibition: Women in Malta – Lorraine Schembri Orland

Women in Malta Amanda_Hsu_WIM_4261 Exhibition: Women in Malta - Lorraine Schembri Orland

Women in Malta Amanda_Hsu_WIM_4345 Exhibition: Women in Malta - Lorraine Schembri Orland

Location:Mediterranean Conference Centre

Lorraine Schembri Orland – Judge

Hon. Madam Justice Dr. Lorraine Schembri Orland, LL.D., M.Juris (Eur Law)

1)When you feel down, what you usually do to make yourself feel better? How do you deal with stress?

I believe that we all have to learn to cope with stressful situations, be it in our personal or in our professional lives. The demands are greater when other people depend on us and I find that it helps to remain fo- cused on the task at hand.

2)What you enjoy the most about your work?

My life has been dedicated to the study and practice of law which I have always enjoyed. I remember that my Law Professor had asked us to ex- plain why we had chosen law as our career path. My reply was then, and still is now, that I sought a profession and career which would allow me to grow both personally and academically and present a constant chal- lenge.

3)Have you been professionally photographed before? How did you feel? (Before the shoot with Amanda)
I was photographed in connection with my legal practice.

4)If you knew then what you know now, what

would you tell your 18-year-old self?

Like many young adults , I believed I was already mature at 18 when, of course, this was far from the case. I would say, as words of caution, that experience and maturity come with age.

5)When things get tough, how do you keep your- self going?

What needs to be done has to be done without exception. I look for the best way to achieve the right solution.

6) How do you define success?

This is very subjective. Success depends on the goals each person sets for himself or herself and could be defined in terms of whether those goals have been achieved or not. Speaking for myself, success is not measured in terms of materialistic acquisitions, but in terms of self re- spect, family and being true to one’s values.

Her Profile: Educated: Convent of the Sacred Heart Malta. Graduated: LL.D, University of Malta (1982); Magister Juris in European Law (1998). Salzburg Fellow (1985). First Female Member of the Chamber of Advocates (Malta). Chairperson, Legal Committee advisory to the Office of the Prime Minister on Family Law reforms, co-drafter of Family Law and drafter of legislation on domestic violence. Former member: National Bioethics Consultative Committee; Commonwealth Expert Group on Gender Equality. Represented Malta on the CEDAW (UN) and (CDEG) (Strasbourg) commissions on Gender Equality. Thesis examiner on Family Law. Author: numerous reports and papers on Family law, gender equality, and Bioethics. Specialist in matrimonial and family law before the courts of civil and criminal competence, including cases with a significant international element on child abduction, divorce and annulment, succession and estate law. Certified Trusts Advocate. Recognised practitioner before the Maltese Tribunal on nullity of Catholic Marriage.

She was interviewed by the US Embassy’s event “International Day of the Girl”, link: https://malta.usembassy.gov/idotg-lorraineschembriorland.html

Women in Malta 2015 Project log page