40 over 40 Photo Shoot with Sandra Zammit, Elizabeth Tanti, Laura Cunningham, Astrid Fleri Soler

40 Over 40

40 Over 40

Q&A with Sandra:
Q: How has your relationship to time changed as you have got older? – Has it sped up? Has it slowed down? When did it move fastest for you?
As I grew older, my relationship with time changed. When my children were young, I dedicated more time to them; schooling, everyday needs, etc. I was more at home and did not work full time. I dedicated more time to the family. Then, as they grew older, they did not depend on me as much as they did before. Therefore I started having more time for myself, and I even took up a full time again. So, life slowed down from one aspect but got faster from another aspect.
Q: Have your values changed over time? What do you value now?
My values have not changed over time; I still very much value time spent with family more than with friends. Although I do not live with my children anymore, I am still there for them when they need me. I also like to spend as much time as I can with my parents and siblings.

40 Over 40

Q&A with Elizabeth:
Q :What’s the absolutely best thing about being your age?
Elizabeth: The beautiful thing about being my age is not regretting anything I have done in my younger years.
Q: What is the one piece of advice would you give your 20 something self?
Elizabeth: live life, travel, see the world, see as many cultures as you can, have an open mind. be Kind, truthful, and honest. This is the advice I would give to my children too.

Q&A with Laura:
Q: Have your values changed over time? What do you value now?
When you are young, you think you are invincible, anything goes, and most things are easier to achieve. As you grow older, you might feel in your mind that you are still 25, but your body says otherwise. The most important for me is being who you are no matter what.
Q: Do you think that people who are 40+ are represented in advertising? How do you feel about it?
No – the majority of advertisers choose young-aged models, which is not representative of the majority of the population, especially in the cosmetic, perfume, and fashion industries. The thing is that it is the over 40’s that spend the most money in these fields.
40 Over 40

Q&A with Astrid:
Q: What’s the absolutely best thing about being your age?
I feel very comfortable in my own skin with no need to prove anything to anyone or to impress. I am just me. Wisdom and Assertive
Q: How has your relationship to time changed as you have got older? – Has it sped up? Has it slowed down? When did it move fastest for you?
Definitely much wiser and with a keener perception of life, enjoying every moment and every second of it. The ’30s were a huge turning point in my life, where I left a very good managerial job and decided to simply follow my heart, spending more time with my son and focusing more on my passion for running, just opting for an easy part-time job. The40’ss were what I would consider a very wild spiritual adventure where I dug in deeply within myself, opening to various philosophies in life, meeting lots of interesting people, enhancing my passion for running and traveling (all integrated). Wide doors open, lessons learned. The ’50s are moving on very fast. Complete balance in life, juggling with family commitments, training, and work. A life filled with much gratitude, much love, and deep inner peace.
More information and how to participate our amazing 40 over 40, check this link: https://amandahsu.com/40over40/