Portrait Session with Debbie Bonello
Debbie, 40
She is a modern day woman who is busy with family life and career. Life is busy on the island, it’s not easy to juggle everything in life and I am so glad that she managed to do something special for herself – the photo shoot. I think we all need to do something for ourselves every now and then, to feel good, to be taken care of, to be pampered, to charge our batteries and then we can give more love to our loved ones. It’s like on the aeroplane, when the oxygen masks drop down, you will need to put on your own mask first before you can help other. Having portraits taken is such a great way to celebrate life. The time goes so fast, we all need to cease the moment.
Here Debbie shares her photo shoot experience:
My favorite part about the photo shoot process was knowing that I’m doing something for myself. I’m a mum of two and my life revolves round my boys and it’s easy to get sucked in it all so this photoshoot was time dedicated just for me.

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The session was important because I wanted to have images of myself at this point in time to look back onto.

I was slightly nervous but Amanda makes you feel so confident I even took all my clothes off for one photo. That’s how natural and easy it felt.

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The results were great. Hard to choose just a few. Some were a bit too touched up with photoshop so not such a true reflection of me however still a great selection so it was very exciting and surprising seeing the results.

yesterday I had to do a podcast recording and woke up anxious but still went for it. It was such a great experience and after challenging myself in doing it I felt great. One must not shy away from new experiences.. it’s what makes us grow and learn and doing anything outside our comfort zone is important.