Photo Shoot with – Kate Borg

What I love about Kate was she was vulnerable step into the light and with strength in her spirit. When I photographed her, she was calm and gave me her trust. The results blew my mind.
When I first time met her in the studio for the consultation to discuss about the photo shoot, I knew she would look great if she would like me to capture her amazing physique. Kate has the most amazing physique, I admire her dedication to her body and health. She believes that women over 40 can have great health and figure and she is the proof.
Kate is a healer, her studio “Back to Body” Healthy Living, a boutique Pilates & Yoga studio, is all about helping people back in balance, physically, mentally.
I asked her why this session was important for her, she said,
I want to capture this special time in my life… myself and Where I’m at after all the years of emotional turmoil, The triumph of coming through it stronger, for persevering through the hard times… And winning! my body, Which is In better Shape now than it ever was in my 20’s! Although 41, I’ve never felt more Awake and ready to take on the world than I am now.. I feel like my life is on the brink of something amazing and I want to record this special time.
Here is the review Kate wrote, I’m so grateful for each and every review, they mean a lot to me.
Amanda is a true artist, a very creative person that has a gift at bringing the best out of people. I took part in the 40 over 40 project. It was something quite out of character for me but i felt very safe with her and i loved the results! I would choose her again and again for another portrait!
Interview with Kate, 42
How did you mark turning 40? And how did that feel?
At 40, I decided that I was going to start doing all the things i dreamt of doing but never quite got around to because of life commitments, fear or procrastination! As a child i remember watching Indiana Jones and seeing the part set in Petra, i was fascinated by it all and promised myself that one day i would go there. A big animal lover, I also had a dream of riding a stallion across the desert – so thats what i did! I booked myself onto a 10 day riding expedition starting out in Petra and riding across the Wadi Rum desert – riding by day, camping underneath the stars by the fire at night, spending time with local Bedouins and sampling their delicious cuisine – an unforgettable birthday and experience – the energy of the desert, the landscape and the people was just incredible and to this day i yearn to go back!

What have been the significant points of change in your life so far? – How did these significant points in your life change you?
Probably when my marriage fell apart after such a short time! Being romantic, it shattered my illusion of love and family and i found myself at 40, alone, having to reevaluate my situation and decide what direction i wanted to take my life in. It was just the kick i needed however as it pushed me to take a good look at my life, to heal from any issues i had been subconsciously running away from and to move forward with purpose and strength – and i have a tattoo to show for it! I realised that everything i needed was already within me and it was not something to be had from an outside source.

What was your career? Or job path?
My purpose has always been to help and heal people – it is where i find most joy and meaning and what comes naturally to me. A physical therapist, I run BacktoBody Healthy Living, a boutique Pilates & Yoga studio. Sessions with clients include Pilates, Yoga, strength training and fitness, nutrition, detoxification, essential oil massage – the aim being to bring people back into balance through these different modalities depending on what they need.

40 Over 40
When in your life, so far, have you felt most confident and why?
Conquering a fear always gives me so much confidence in myself! Fear and lack of self worth was a struggle for me to overcome until i learnt how to change my mindset… once i started working on that it made all the difference to my confidence! Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, either way, you are right!

Are there any myths you would like to bust about the over 40s? If so, can you tell us about them?
Being in the fitness industry many people complain to me about feeling old now that they are in their 40’s. But age truly can be just a number if you take care of your body and keep yourself physically fit throughout your life – not just decide to taking care of yourself when you feel yourself falling apart!