Photo Shoot with Anabel

“It was a “me to me” birthday present.” She said.

What's up with Amanda AmandaHsu_5004web-1280x853 Photo Shoot with Anabel
What's up with Amanda AmandaHsu_4387web-896x1280 Photo Shoot with Anabel

Love the smile of Anabel and the blue velvet dress she brought to the shoot. In fact, she has great taste, every dress she brought was amazing to shoot. 🙂

What's up with Amanda AmandaHsu_4368web-896x1280 Photo Shoot with Anabel
What's up with Amanda AmandaHsu_4439web-853x1280 Photo Shoot with Anabel
What's up with Amanda AmandaHsu_4971web-896x1280 Photo Shoot with Anabel
What's up with Amanda AmandaHsu_4908web-896x1280 Photo Shoot with Anabel

She looks absolutely beautiful in the green dress I design. I love designing dress and accessories for my photo sessions, I can be so creative. 🙂

What's up with Amanda AmandaHsu_4522web-1280x853 Photo Shoot with Anabel
What's up with Amanda AmandaHsu_4508web-896x1280 Photo Shoot with Anabel
What's up with Amanda AmandaHsu_4600web-896x1280 Photo Shoot with Anabel

Anabel shares her photo session experience: This photo session was a ‘me to me’ birthday present 🙂 It was really easy to relax, ended up being a long session :)… and very convenient to have hair and make up taken care of in same place. I’m very happy with the outcome! The photo shoot was on my to do list and finally managed to do it – would do it again anytime! 🙂

What's up with Amanda AmandaHsu_4773web-853x1280 Photo Shoot with Anabel

Stunning look of Anabel, the red dress is also design by me, seeing images with my own design dresses makes my heart sing. 🙂