Teen photo shoot with Teodora

A princess or a sporty girl? You don’t have to choose. Because you can do it all!
I first met Teodora was at the Training Room, she was lifting weight, her techniques were great, she looks good and powerful. I thought that was so cool. I had this idea of breaking the stereotype about what girls should do and what girls shouldn’t. When I was a Tchoukball player in school, I was always been thought of as a tomboy and it made me thought that how I should be. But it shouldn’t. Girls should never be put in boxes.
I love this photo shoot concept and the results just amazing!

Teodora wrote about her experience about her training and her photo shoot experience:
I got to know about training room through mums colleague from work at the time. Ever since I moved to Malta I started searching for a gym and training room seamed like a perfect place to train. The first session was difficult but I managed to get through it with a help of the coach who helped me scale the work out and made sure my technique was correct. I started training as I started having back pain but also, I have done sports ever since I was 6 so I wanted to stay fit even though I didn’t do sports any more. I have been going to Training room for a year and a half now and wish to continue for much longer. I keep coming to train because I love the feeling I get when I finish the session. I also love to be able to do different things like gymnastics, weightlifting and running. It makes me feel strong and powerful and it gives me confidence in my everyday life. I wound recommend other girls to start training and doing sports as it makes them evolve into a batter person, through socialising and it creates good habits for the future.
The photoshoot was an amazing experience and I loved to have an opportunity to do it. I made me see myself in a different way and it showed me how we as girls can be both powerful and beautiful. Thorough the whole photoshoot I felt really beautiful and encouraged.