Photo shoot story: with another photographer

This is one of those shoots that I totally enjoyed it and forgot about time.

Kersty is a very talented architectural photographer who picked up the camera only a few years ago and she just had her exhibition recently. I love her work, it was a thrill that she contacted me for a photo shoot. “Wow! That’s so cool that she would let me photograph her!”

She is open minded and she was up for all type of suggestion for the shoot. It was great that she gave me the trust and a lot of room for creativity. We had a lot of fun during the shoot and the results are so good that I decided to share it on my blog.

I wanted to make the blog article more interesting so I asked her if she would answer a few questions for me and also to encourage fellow photographers to do a photo shoot with me like she did. Kersty is the most kind and generous, I am so appreciate that she spent the time to write for my blog.

Here are the Q&As with Kersty:

1) What is the initial idea that you to do a personal photo shoot? How did you actually make it an action?

Before finding my specialisation in photography in Fine Art Architecture and Landscape, I tried out many different genres, including portraiture and nude photography. I myself feel quite tense and vulnerable being photographed, meanwhile I feel very comfortable being behind the camera.  Two completely opposite emotions caused by a piece of plastic…..! One day this thought hit me and I decided to challenge myself and this feeling of contradiction. I decided to look for a professional photographer to ask for a photoshoot. Since quite a while I followed Amanda’s work on social media and I liked her style, so I decided to contact her for my first proper photoshoot.

Since our first contact via email she gave me an excellent first impression. I noticed her great professional approach and guidance in how to prepare myself for the shoot.

2) What is the photo shoot like with Amanda?

From the moment I entered her studio, I felt already at ease with her. She is a very friendly person with a very calm voice. The Make Up Artist started applying Make Up for the shoot, which gave me the chance to get even more used to the surroundings of her studio. It was a completely new and different sensation for me.

Amanda took some test shots of me after the application of Make Up and I was impressed by noticing both commenting on the test shots in order to improve the Make Up. For me it was great seeing such a close cooperation between photographer and Make Up Artist. I immediately felt more and more relaxed about the upcoming shoot.

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Amanda is excellent in her guidance throughout the shoot and pays attention to detail. She is able to make you feel comfortable independently of a simple portrait or nude shoot. As a photographer I could not notice that she is using mainly window light, which is another thing I really love.

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My photoshoot was a real fun shoot up to the point that I already decided to do a second shoot with her.

Amanda through her professionalism, makes sure that you enjoy every minute of your session. Not only that, but most important, the final images are breath taking, original and bound to be noticed.

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Amanda has the skills, the smartness, the love for her work, the imagination and the passion which shows in her work. I can recommend her wholeheartedly to anybody who is looking for a cooperate shoot, portrait shoot, couple shoot, wedding shoot, nude shoot etc.

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3) You’re a photographer also, what is the difference between in front of camera and behind the camera?

It is a big difference if somebody is taking some snapshots of you or sitting for a proper photoshoot. As already mentioned before I feel comfortable behind the camera, but vulnerable in front.

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When you sit on the other side of the camera, you learn more than you could ever have imagined. It was an incredible experience, as I did not learn only about how clients feel who are photographed, but even more important for me, I learnt about myself. Being in front of the camera, you perceive small things like the shutter noise for example, which you are used to as a photographer,  completely different. I felt the shutter noise initially quasi menacing. The reason was that I realised that I was the subject this time. But after the first shots, I realized it was just a camera, and a camera I am used to as a photographer. The camera was not judging me, neither the photographer – I was. This opened my eyes and I started becoming more relaxed and adventurous during the whole shoot up to the point that it turned out to be a real fun session for me.

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4) How did you feel when you see the result of the photographs?

I definitely noticed in the first images taken, that I was a little nervous in front of the camera, meanwhile after a short time I felt completely relaxed and enjoyed the shoot. This can also be noticed in the series of images Amanda took, from beginning to the end.

Honestly I would have never expected a similar excellent outcome and so many lovely photos, she gave me a hard time to choose from the hundreds of photos she took.

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5) Would you recommend other photographers to do a photo shoot? why?

I personally would recommend ALL photographers (portrait photographers and NON) to sit for a photoshoot. You can only gain from a similar experience.

As you sit on the other side of the camera, you fully put yourself in the place of each of your clients.

It teaches you to understand of how your clients feel in front of the camera and that makes you more understanding when shooting the next time. You learn to empathize with your client. You learn to be the mirror for your customer.

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The learning experience won’t be the only great result you’ll get from your photography session. You’ll also have a wide range of photos of yourself that you can use for your professional headshots. Even if you don’t use them for professional purposes, you’ll still personally have great memories of yourself at various periods throughout your life, which is one thing especially we photographers are missing in life!

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